Thursday, August 14, 2008

film and kicks

click on pic to get full readable flyer...

Thursday, August 7, 2008


So for the last several weeks I’ve been seeing these headphones everywhere! Every music video has had them either laying on a table or places it didn’t even make sense to have them like on someone sitting in a car! (product placement at its finest!) Then I even saw lebron wearing them so after a while I started to raise a brow because I was like these must be the new hotness and I loved the design on them! After a lil research I found them, they are call “Beats by Dre”, headphones designed and inspired by the man Dr. Dre himself. Given that my current headphones just broke (of course) I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on a pair even more now. Depending on where you check they’re priced around $350-$400; I won’t do them justice by trying to break down all the specs so if you get a chance check em out!