Monday, May 5, 2008

injury report :( (originally posted 3.12.08)

What’s up world, sad news to report: I went to play ball last night during my break between classes as I do somewhat frequently and messed up my knee pretty bad. I was leading a fast break and it was just 1 dude to beat so I took off but the way I took off to get around him tweaked my knee pretty bad. I don’t know if it was a case of my knee going one way and my body the other or just the pressure from taking off awkwardly. Whatever the case is I was in a lot of pain, took like 30 mins just to gather myself and get dressed and another effort to drive home. But I must admit its feeling a lil better this am and I can at least bend somewhat as oppose to last night when I could barely move. I’m just going to have to shut it down for a while and hope for the best; I’m thinking 2 weeks should do the trick. And a boney-fide 2 weeks this time unlike when I’ve had other injuries and rushed back like D wade J. Some might call me injury prone when it comes to the playing ball cuz I’ve had a history or rolled ankles, many-a-jammed fingers, dislocated shoulders, and back pains all on the court! But I just see it as I go hard when I’m out there like ya boy A.I. J But yea it’s not as bad as Shaun Livingston so I should be good.
Also its looking like I’ll be able to cop the packages that come out this weekend. I was real hesitant because the 14’s that come in them are almost identical to some that I already have, but I want the 9’s so I was half and half. But I’m still on my mission to get 1-23 so I might as well suck it up and just get it because if I don’t I’m already knowing I’ll be kicking myself about it.
Hey who do you think would win in a fight? 300’s king Leonidas or Gladiators Maximus?
shout out to millermothra...
-i'm out

its back! (originally posted 2.20.08)

that’s right ladies and gents the dunk contest is back, and i witnessed its return first hand. i say that its back because the dunk contest has gotten a hard time and some criticism from many sports writers and fans for the last couple of years, and i can be honest some, some of it was deserved. but for me personally, the dunk contest is one of the main reasons i get excited for all-star weekend so i never gave up on it or was one of the many that wanted to get rid of it all together. it was accused of not being creative or exciting anymore, but that was definitely not the case this year. you had dunks that included, but were not limited to: rudy gay doing a reverse cradle dunk and switching hands, dwight howard dunking from behind the rim altogether, and gerald green dunking with no shoes on! (do you know how hard that is!). but some of the more memorable and creative of the night was dwight howards superman themed dunk/throw down and gerald greens' candle blow out dunk (which is possibly my favorite). matter fact let me take a quick sec to harp on that. so GG had his teammate place a cupcake on the back of the rim and light it, he then proceeds to jump up, blow out the candle, and then dunk! cut it out! i mean your lips have to be above the rim to do that! dude can simply jump. D. howard ended up taking home the championship honors that night and it was deserved i just don’t want GG efforts or others to go unnoticed because the event as a whole was one of the best in years and like i said half way through the contest, i cant wait to see what they come up with next year.............................dude blew out a candle!!!

love/hate...mostly love (originally posted 2.13.08)

ok so here's my rant about jordans. so those that know me know the love i have for shoes with the special emphasis on jordans. for those of you who dont, the quick run-down is i basically grew up watching MJ and he's simply the best. between watching him and being mentored about the shoe game by my cousin the love grew. it gets a lil deeper, J came into the league in 85, yours truley's birth year, and has released a signature (numbered) shoe every year since. so when i was 1 his first shoe came out, when i was 2 his second and so forth, so you see how it gets a lil more significant? ok lets move on so obviously up untill about highschool and my first job i wasnt able to afford my love and by that time i was way behind the game, so its been a constant drive of mine to somehow attain numbers 1-23 of the series. its a "mixed feeling" because he's hurting the kid! i mean he's dropping 1,2, maybe 3 pair a month that ya boy wants but is just not financially able to keep up with. i mean i know he doesnt hoop anymore and its strictly business for him at the point but ouch J! seriously its become a bill for me, theres: car, phone, school, and J's written in there as a necessity! now dont get me wrong cuz i love getting them and the day of i dont bat an eye as i decide i'm not going to eat for a week to get the newest ones. now the funny part to all this is with all gripes aside, my latest purchase was the first of many packages to be released this year (pictured above) and they came in a box that had on the side a letter to fans if you will from the man himself. the letter basically goes on to say thanks for being there all these years and as a treat to YOU i am releasing all 23 of my shoes in packages of 2 throguhout the year. so basically every month there will be 2 numbered signature shoes released. the shoes in the packages will together e equal to the number 23; so the 10's and 13's will come in a pacakge, the 2's and 21's and so forth. theres that half of me that is like this is it! heres my chance to finally have all 23! but then the other half is like umm where am i going to find $350 every month! ouch man ouch! and on top of that there all basically going to be red,black, and white! i love you man, but you're killing me!....all that said, see ya'll at finishline bright and early for the next pair :) whoo!